Wow!!! It's a HIT! Thank you!!!
Currently being translated into:
German, Spanish & Korean!
Come along to a magical world. .
Where Children taste colors,
See music dance around them,
See time in 3D around them,
Where letters have personalities & colors,
And life can have infinite possibilities!
Meet Sereya, a little girl whose flowers taste like gummy bears, and music comes with the bonus of colorful clouds.
She has a unique and colorful view of the world, and one day she discovers it's not the one shared by most others.
Sereya's Superpower
is the first in the Series,
"Synesthesia Kids"
Read and find out about these Real Life "Superpowers"!
With charming illustrations by Anita Morgan
- A wonderful book for Parents, Grandparents and Teachers too!
- Pages in back with information and resources on Synesthesia
- The first in the upcoming series!
- Follow on Instagram or Twitter on "Synesthesia Kids"
Can also be sent Book/Media Rate where possible. Please email me for this.