**ORDER EARLY!!** Shipping in 2020 (& Beyond!)
As you may have heard, shipping has been increasingly slow and as of Sept. 30, even more new shipping policies will be implemented with USPS, which will make delivery times between now and the Holidays even longer.
- Once I mail orders, I can give you a tracking number, at that point it is then in the hands of the postal service!
- Order early- don't wait!!
- I will be adding new designs soon and retiring others soon too!
- Gift Cards are always available and also a wonderful gift!
Please know that I am as frustrated as you are when shipping gets delayed, but the best way around this is to PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY!! :)
Every company will be dealing with this same issue, from big box stores to small businesses like mine. Raw products to make materials are behind by 6 months to 1 year.
I like to think of it this way:
The earlier we get all of our preparation done, the more time we have enjoying the Holidays. And that joy is worth it!
Happy Holidays to You, wherever you are!